Roof Repairs

Roof Repair When You Need It

Don’t Wait for a Problem to Worsen

New Jersey is no stranger to severe weather. A hurricane can do tremendous damage to your roof. Some of it may be visible, like cracked shingles, roof penetrations and damaged gutters. However, high winds and flying debris can also cause “bruising” of the layer under your shingles, which may not be obvious to the untrained eye. That doesn’t make it any less destructive. Bruising can spread and cause leaks.

That’s why it’s important to call Up And Above Contractors, LLC after a storm if you think your roof may have sustained damage. Our experts can identify any problems that have occurred so that we can make roof repairs before they result in huge headaches.

Many Forces Can Damage Your Roof

Your roof can degrade over time due to exposure to sunlight, rain, snow, hail, ice and wind. Shingles can become brittle, crack and blow off. Flashing is prone to cracking and corrosion. Falling tree branches can damage fascia boards, crack tiles and abrade asphalt shingles (strip them of their grain). The passage of time can cause your roof to sag.

Fires, floods and even wildlife can take a toll on roofs. For instance, raccoons looking for a place to have babies have been known to use their sharp claws and teeth to rip through shingles and chew through wood in order to get into an attic. As with all kinds of damage, it’s important to take action right away – especially if you don’t want an attic full of raccoons!

Contact Up And Above Contractors, LLC Today!

Call (973) 300-0636 or fill out the online form to schedule an appointment. Our professionals will come out and do a free, on-site assessment of your roof. We will let you know of any damage we see and give you an estimate for any roof repair that’s needed. Fixing problems now could save you a lot of money, because it will prevent issues from getting worse over time.